ALMA Large Program FAUST (Fifty AU STudy of the chemistry in the disk/envelope systems of Solar-like protostars)
Attività: Nuova; Data inizio: 2018; Data fine: 2028
FAUST è un progetto basato sul primo Large Program ALMA focalizzato all'astrochimica di regioni di formazione stellare di tipo Solare. co-led by INAF (C. Codella). L'obiettivo principale e' lo studio delle proprieta' fisco-chimiche delle regioni protostellari su varie scale spaziali, dall'envelope (2000 au) ai dischi protoplanetari su scale del Sistema Solare (< 50 au). Che mix di gas (Complex Organics) e polveri aveva il nostro Sistema Solare quando si e' formato? FAUST ha permesso ad ALMA di trovare/risolvere problemi legati alla calibrazione ( Come conseguenza, la consegna dei dati finali sarà completata entro la fine di Aprile 2023.
FAUST is the first ALMA LP (co-led by INAF) on astrochemistry. The huge variety of planetary systems discovered depends on the early history of their formation. The goal is to reveal/quantify the chemical composition of the envelope/disk system in a sample of Class 0/I protostars, namely (1) to disentangle the components of the 50-2000 au envelope/disk system, (2) to characterise the organic, (3) to probe their ionization structure, and (4) to measure deuteration ( Final datacubes calibration was challenging: FAUST allowed ALMA to fix calibration issues ( Thus, the final dataset will be completed by the end of 2023 April.
Mezzo interstellare, formazione di stelle e sistemi planetari
Origine ed evoluzione dei pianeti, satelliti e corpi minori
Bioastronomia, Astrobiologia e Astrofisica di laboratorio
Infrastrutture da Terra (utilizzo)
Comunicazione, Didattica, Divulgazione
Struttura | Nfte | N0 | TI 2023 | TI 2024 | TI 2025 | TD 2023 | TD 2024 | TD 2025 | Nex | Extra |
O.A. ARCETRI | 4 | 0 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0 | 0.00 |
Totali | 4 | 0 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 0 | 0.00 |
# | Struttura | TI 2023 | TI 2024 | TI 2025 | TD 2023 | TD 2024 | TD 2025 | Extra |
1 | ESO Research Fellow - Garching | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.00 |
2 | ORIGINS - Vera Rubin Research Fellow | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.00 |
Totali | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.60 | 0.60 | 0.60 | 0.00 |
Certi 2023 | Certi 2024 | Certi 2025 | Presunti 2023 | Presunti 2024 | Presunti 2025 |
38.0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
Astrochemistry - Astrobiology - Planetary disks - Protostars - Young Stellar Objects - Interstellar Medium - Interstellar Emission - Interstellar Molecules. The FAUST project is part of the ASTROCHEMISTRY@INAF - PROTOPLANETARY program.
C. Codella (INAF OAA) is co-PI of the project. In addition, INAF OAA is also coordinating (in synergy with RIKEN, Tokyo) the Work Package on the selection of Sources, verifying that the continuum and line datasets are fully exploited.
# | Nome | Struttura | TI | Qualifica | Ruolo nel Progetto | FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) | FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) | Extra | ||
1 | claudio.codella | | O.A. ARCETRI | Y | PRIMO RICERCATORE | Primo Ricercatore - co-PI di FAUST - Chemical complexity in protostellar and protoplanetary disks | X X X | X X X | X | |
2 | francesco.fontani | | O.A. ARCETRI | Y | RICERCATORE | Ricercatore - Molecular Fractionation and Deuteration | X X X | X X X | X | |
3 | linda.podio | | O.A. ARCETRI | Y | RICERCATORE | Ricercatore; chemical complexity in protostellar and protoplanetary disks | X X X | X X X | X | |
4 | davide.fedele | | O.A. ARCETRI | Y | RICERCATORE | Ricercatore - Analysis of dust continuum emission | X X X | X X X | X | |
5 | giovanni.sabatini | | O.A. ARCETRI | N | ASSEGNISTA | Chemical evolution of protostellar regions - comparison with high-mass SFRs | X X X | X X X | X |
# | Nome | Struttura | TI | Qualifica | Ruolo nel Progetto | FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) | FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) | Extra | |
1 | marta.desimone | | ESO Research Fellow - Garching | N | ESO Fellow, INAF associated | Molecular complexity of the earliest (protostellar) evolutionary stages of Sun-like analogs - Observations and Modelling | [0.3, 0.3, 0.3] | [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] | -1.0 |
2 | eleonora.bianchi | | ORIGINS - Vera Rubin Research Fellow | N | Vera Rubin Fellow, INAF associated | Interstellar organics and large carbon chains from protoplanetary objects to comets - Observations and modelling | [0.3, 0.3, 0.3] | [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] | -1.0 |
The context of this project (Astrochemistry of Sun-like star forming regions) was awarded by several MIUR, INAF, EU fundings: (1) PRIN-MIUR 2016 STAR IN THE CAOS PRIN-MIUR project (Simulation Tools for Astrochemical Reactivity and Spectroscopy in the Cyberinfrastructure for Astrochemical Organic Species) PI. V. Barone (Total: 180 kE; Total INAF 20 kEuro); (2) GENESIS-SKA PRIN-INAF project (GEneral conNditions in Early Planetary Systems for the rISe of life with SKA), PI C. Codella (Total: 408 kEuro); (3) ASTRO-CHEMICAL ORIGINS (ACO) ITN H2020 EC MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS, PI C. Ceccarelli (Total: 4138 kEuro; Total INAF: 392 KEuro). EU ACO have been focused to train PhD students, who are going to conclude their PhD projects at the end of 2022. Note, however, that the first two programs are over, while the ACO EU project is focused on the training of PhD students (who will conclude their projects this year), and it does not allow the recruitment of post-doctoral positions. As also reported in the comments provided by INAF on Scheda FAUST 2021, the INAF role would definitely benefit if post-docs with an expertise on astrochemistry could be assigned to this project. Final datacubes calibration has been challenging: FAUST allowed ALMA to fix several uses ( In conclusions, after some delay, the final dataset started to be released on 2022 December and will be completed by the end of 2023 April. An experienced postdoc is needed to boost the publications led by INAF before data will be public.
# | Provenienza | Certi 2023 (k€) | Certi 2024 (k€) | Certi 2025 (k€) | Presun. 2023 (k€) | Presun. 2024 (k€) | Presun. 2025 (k€) | Totale Certi (k€) | Totale Presunti (k€) |
1 | H2020 ITN EU ACO | 38 | 0 | None | 0 | 0 | None | 38 | 0 |
# | Provenienza | Fondi 2023 (€) | Fondi 2024 (€) | Fondi 2025 (€) |
1 | INAF - Mini Grant | 0.0 |