Scheda IA2 FINAL

Informazioni generali

Centro Italiano Archivi Astronomici


Infrastruttura INAF


R & D







Attività: In Itinere; Data inizio: 2004; Data fine: 2030


IA2 ha come mission la salvaguardia e la preservazione del patrimonio digitale osservativo, di simulazione e derivato dall'analisi dei dati astronomici prodotti in INAF, a beneficio della comunità scientifica. IA2 supporta tutti i servizi offerti da ICT, ospita siti per conto di altre infrastrutture e fornisce spazio storage ai ricercatori e piccolo calcolo per i progetti in cui è coinvolta. Il personale dell’infrastruttura è coinvolto in progetti EU e IA2 ha partecipato ad attività come POC IBM per lo storage distribuito e ad attività internazionali come lo SKA Data Challenge 1 e 2. Si appresta a mettere in produzione uno spazio storage utente compatibile con il Virtual Observatory e si propone di connettere i dati di archivio con le pubblicazioni e viceversa

IA2's mission is to safeguard and preserve the digital observational heritage, simulation and derived from the analysis of astronomical data produced in INAF, for the benefit of the scientific community. IA2 supports all the services offered by ICT, hosts sites on behalf of other infrastructures and provides storage space for researchers and small computing for the projects in which it is involved. The infrastructure staff is involved in EU and IA2 projects and has participated in activities such as IBM POC for distributed storage and international activities such as SKA Data Challenge 1 and 2. It is preparing to put into production a user storage space compatible with Virtual Observatory and aims to connect archive data with publications and vice versa.

Tecnologie Informatiche e software

Tecnologie per osservazioni da Terra

Archivi, Biblioteche, Musei

Team Summary

15. Personale INAF coinvolto
Numero di partecipanti INAF al progetto: 24
Struttura Nfte N0 TI 2023 TI 2024 TI 2025 TD 2023 TD 2024 TD 2025 Nex Extra
O.A. TRIESTE 6 0 1.90 1.90 1.80 0.50 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
O.A. ROMA 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
IRA BOLOGNA 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 1 0.10
O.A. TORINO 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
O.A. PALERMO 1 0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0 0 0 0 0.00
O.A. CAGLIARI 1 0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0 0 0 0 0.00
IASF MILANO 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
O.A. PADOVA 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
Totali 10 0 2.10 2.10 2.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1 0.10
16. Personale Associato INAF coinvolto
Numero di partecipanti Associati INAF: 4
# Struttura TI 2023 TI 2024 TI 2025 TD 2023 TD 2024 TD 2025 Extra
1 INAF - IRA 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 TNG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 IRA Bologna 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Totali 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Fondi a sostegno

21. Totale fondi a disposizione (dato aggregato, k€)
Certi 2023 Certi 2024 Certi 2025 Presunti 2023 Presunti 2024 Presunti 2025
354.0 0.0 0.0 450.0 500.0 0.0

Produzione scientifica e tecnologica

22. Produzione scientifica e tecnologica - Highlights
# DOI Descrizione Azione
1 10.1117/12.2232603 Titolo: Radio data archiving system Autori:C. Knapic and A. Zanichelli and E. Dovgan and M. Nanni and M. Stagni and S. Righini and M. Sponza Publisher:SPIE Anno pubblicazione:2016 Abstract: Radio Astronomical Data models are becoming very complex since the huge possible range of instrumental configurations available with the modern Radio Telescopes. What in the past was the last frontiers of data formats in terms of efficiency and flexibility is now evolving with new strategies and methodologies enabling the persistence of a very complex, hierarchical and multi-purpose information. Such an evolution of data models and data formats require new data archiving techniques in order to guarantee data preservation following the directives of Open Archival Information System and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance for data sharing and publication. Currently, various formats (FITS, MBFITS, VLBI's XML description files and ancillary files) of data acquired with the Medicina and Noto Radio Telescopes can be stored and handled by a common Radio Archive, that is planned to be released to the (inter)national community by the end of 2016. This state-of-the-art archiving system for radio astronomical data aims at delegating as much as possible to the software setting how and where the descriptors (metadata) are saved, while the users perform user-friendly queries translated by the web interface into complex interrogations on the database to retrieve data. In such a way, the Archive is ready to be Virtual Observatory compliant and as much as possible user-friendly.
2 10.1007/s10686-018-9571-8 Titolo: A new archival infrastructure for highly-structured astronomical data Autori:Erik Dovgan and Cristina Knapic and Massimo Sponza and Riccardo Smareglia Publisher:Springer Science and Business Media LLC Rivista: Experimental Astronomy Anno pubblicazione:2018 Abstract: With the advent of the 2020 Radio Astronomy Telescopes era, the amount and format of the radioastronomical data is becoming a massive and performance-critical challenge. Such an evolution of data models and data formats require new data archiving techniques that allow massive and fast storage of data that are at the same time also efficiently processed. A useful expertise for efficient archiviation has been obtained through data archiving of Medicina and Noto Radio Telescopes. The presented archival infrastructure named the Radio Archive stores and handles various formats, such as FITS, MBFITS, and VLBI's XML, which includes description and ancillary files. The modeling and architecture of the archive fulfill all the requirements of both data persistence and easy data discovery and exploitation. The presented archive already complies with the Virtual Observatory directives, therefore future service implementations will also be VO compliant. This article presents the Radio Archive services and tools, from the data acquisition to the end-user data utilization.
3 10.1117/12.2311967 Titolo: Italian center for astronomical archives publishing solution: modular and distributed Autori:Marco Molinaro and Nicola Fulvio Calabria and Robert Butora and Sonia Zorba and Riccardo Smareglia Publisher:SPIE Anno pubblicazione:2018 Abstract: The Italian center for Astronomical Archives has, among its goals, to provide astronomical data resources as interoperable services based on IVOA standards. It did so for part of its archives (mainly raw telescope data from LBT, TNG and Italian national telescopes) and continued on with hosted data collections and providing expertise to national and international research projects (like WINGS, VIPERS, VIALACTEA). Its expertise and knowledge of the VO comes from active participation within IVOA and VO at European and international level, with a double-fold goal: learn from the collaboration (acquiring skills and technical knowledge) and provide inputs (implementations and feedback) to the VO community. In this scenario the first solution to build an easy to configure and maintain resource publisher conformant to VO standards proved to be too optimistic, not considering the complexity the IVOA architecture could have reached in a short while. For this reason it has been necessary to re-think the architecture with a modular system. This latter is now partially in place and will gradually replace the previous solution allowing for an easier to extend and rework if major changes will happen at the level of VO standards. The solution chosen for the architecture orbits around the messaging concept, where each modular component speaks to the other interested parties through a system of broker-managed queues (currently using AMQP with RabbitMQ as the broker). The messaging system lets us free to choose the development language for the business logic components, not only for the front-end, web interfacing solutions (needed to expose VO HTTP based protocols), but also on the archives and database access components, the logging systems and any other tool or component that may be needed in the future. The first implementation covered the simplest VO protocol, the Simple Cone Search, were the messaging task architecture connects the parametric HTTP interface to the database backend access module, the logging module, and allows multiple cone search resources to be managed together through a configuration manager module. Even if it has been initially used as a test for the new architecture, it already proved the flexibility required by the overall system when the database backend needed to be changed from a MySQL to a PostgreSQL+PgSphere solution. Another implementation test has been made to leverage task distribution over multiple servers dedicated to computation to allow for a single HTTP interface to serve simultaneously: FITS cubes direct linking, cubes cutout (using an AST and cfitsio engine) and cubes positional merging (using a Montage based solution). The solution proved also to be a quick answer to load distribution (although not really efficient). Alongside these the implementation of the SIA-2.0 standard protocol is ongoing, following the scheme used for the Simple Cone Search, while for the TAP protocol implementation we will be re-using and adapting the already available TAPlib library. Alongside this production, message-driven, publishers, a first administration tool (TASMAN) has been developed to ease the build up and maintenance of the TAP SCHEMA component of TAP services including also ObsCore maintenance capability. Future work will be devoted at widening the range of VO protocols covered by the set of available modules, improve the configuration management and develop specific purpose modules common to all the service components.
4 10.1117/12.2232594 Titolo: Aided generation of search interfaces to astronomical archives Autori:Sonia Zorba and Andrea Bignamini and Francesco Cepparo and Cristina Knapic and Marco Molinaro and Robert Butora Publisher:SPIE Anno pubblicazione:2016 Abstract: Astrophysical data provider organizations that host web based interfaces to provide access to data resources have to cope with possible changes in data management that imply partial rewrites of web applications. To avoid doing this manually it was decided to develop a dynamically configurable Java EE web application that can set itself up reading needed information from configuration files. Specification of what information the astronomical archive database has to expose is managed using the TAP SCHEMA schema from the IVOA TAP recommendation, that can be edited using a graphical interface. When configuration steps are done the tool will build a war file to allow easy deployment of the application.
5 10.1093/mnras/stz3529 Titolo: Climate bistability of Earth-like exoplanets Autori: Murante, Giuseppe; Provenzale, Antonello; Vladilo, Giovanni; Taffoni, Giuliano; Silva, Laura; Palazzi, Elisa; Hardenberg, Jost von; Maris, Michele; Londero, Elisa; Knapic, Cristina; Zorba, Sonia Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Anno pubblicazione:2019 Abstract: Before about 500 million years ago, most probably our planet experienced temporary snowball conditions, with continental and sea ices covering a large fraction of its surface. This points to a potential bistability of Earth's climate that can have at least two different (statistical) equilibrium states for the same external forcing (I.e. solar radiation). Here, we explore the probability of finding bistable climates in Earth-like exoplanets and consider the properties of planetary climates obtained by varying the semimajor orbital axis (thus, received stellar radiation), eccentricity and obliquity, and atmospheric pressure. To this goal, we use the Earth-like planet surface temperature model (ESTM), an extension of one-dimensional Energy Balance Models developed to provide a numerically efficient climate estimator for parameter sensitivity studies and long climatic simulations. After verifying that the ESTM is able to reproduce Earth climate bistability, we identify the range of parameter space where climate bistability is detected. An intriguing result of this work is that the planetary conditions that support climate bistability are remarkably similar to those required for the sustenance of complex, multicellular life on the planetary surface. The interpretation of this result deserves further investigation, given its relevance for the potential distribution of life in exoplanetary systems.
6 10.1117/12.2313649 Titolo: SKA telescope manager: a status update Autori: Bridger, Alan; Gupta, Yashwant; Chaudhuri, Subhrojyoti R.; Di Carlo, Matteo; Le Roux, Gerhard; Natarajan, Swaminathan; Smareglia, Riccardo; Patil, Mangesh; Barbosa, Domingos; van den Heever, Lize; Dolci, Mauro; Alberti, Valentina; Brederode, Ray; Barraca, Joao Paulo; Bartashevich, Dzianis; Bergano, Miguel; Brajnik, Giorgio; Canzari, Matteo; Dange, Aditya; Guzman, Juan Carlos Jerse, Giovanna; Khanvilkar, Amruta; Klaassen, Pamela; Knapic, Cristina; Kodikar, Jitendra; Kumthekar, Vikas; Maia, Dalmiro; Mohile, Vivek; Morgado, Bruno; Nakave, Snehal; Nicol, Mark; O'Brien, Alan; Ramanujam, Niruj M.; Ranpura, Jyotin; Reed, Steven; Sathe, Vinod; Silva, Nuno; Swart, Paul; Tinarelli, Franco; Trivedi, Vatsal; Babani, Lochan; Valame, Snehal; Vrcic, Sonja; Williams, Stewart; Wadadekar, Yogesh Publisher:SPIE Anno pubblicazione:2018 Abstract: The international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project to build two radio interferometers is approaching the end of its design phase, and gearing up for the beginning of formal construction. A key part of this distributed Observatory is the overall software control system: the Telescope Manager (TM). The two telescopes, a Low frequency dipole array to be located in Western Australia (SKA-Low) and a Mid-frequency dish array to be located in South Africa (SKA-Mid) will be operated as a single Observatory, with its global headquarters (GHQ) based in the United Kingdom at Jodrell Bank. When complete it will be the most powerful radio observatory in the world. The TM software must combine the observatory operations based at the GHQ with the monitor and control operations of each telescope, covering the range of domains from proposal submission to the coordination and monitoring of the subsystems that make up each telescope. It must also monitor itself and provide a reliable operating platform. This paper will provide an update on the design status of TM, covering the make-up of the consortium delivering the design, a brief description of the key challenges and the top level architecture, and its software development plans for tackling the construction phase of the project. It will also briefly describe the consortium's response to the SKA Project's decision in the second half of 2016 to adopt the processes set out by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) for system architecture design and documentation, including a re-evaluation of its deliverables, documentation and approach to internal reviews.
7 - @INPROCEEDINGS{2020ASPC..522..463Z, Autori: Zanichelli, Alessandra; Knapic, Cristina; Righini, Simona; Nanni, Mauro; Stagni, Matteo; Bedosti, Francesco; Bartolini, Marco; Sponza, Massimo; Orlati, Andrea; Smareglia, Riccardo. Titolo: A Public Data Archive for the Italian Radio Telescopes, booktitle: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII, anno: 2020, Editor: Ballester, Pascal; Ibsen, Jorge; Solar, Mauricio; Shortridge, Keith. Url: Abstract: The amount of data delivered by modern instrumentation and observing techniques is bringing radio astronomy in the era of Big Data, and the nowadays widely adopted Open Data policies allow free and open access to data from many radio astronomy facilities. A fundamental ingredient to enable Open Science in the radio astronomical community and to engage also public participation (the so called Citizen Science) is thus the availability of public archives in which data can be accessed and searched with modern software tools. A web-based, VO-compliant public archive has been built to host data from the Italian radio telescopes managed by the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF). The archive main features consist in the capability to handle the various types of data coming from the different observing instrumentation at the telescopes; the adoption of a policy to guarantee the data proprietary period; the accessibility of data through a web interface and the adoption of VO standards to allow for successful scientific exploitation of the archive itself in the data mining era. We present the progress status of the public Data Archive for the Italian radio telescopes being developed to provide the international community with a state-of-the-art archive for radio astronomical data.
8 - Autori: Tinarelli, F., Zorba, S., Knapic, C., and Jerse, G., Titolo: “The Authentication and Authorization INAF Experience”, Proceeding: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII, 2020, vol. 522, p. 727 Abstract: A new prototype capable to handle multiple accounts for web application usage was developed in collaboration between Radio Astronomical Institute (IRA) and Italian Astronomical Archives (IA2). Both working groups shared skills and experiences in the field of Authentication and Authorization to allow users and client applications to access remote resources, data and services. The prototype is composed by an Authentication module (Remote Authentication Portal - RAP), an Authorization module (Grouper) and a connector for the communication between the previous two. The aim was to implement a multi protocol authentication mechanism (SAML 2.0, OAuth2, X.509), Self Registration, to permit the account linking (join of digital identities) and to manage groups of users. This paper describes the current harmonization activities between existing systems (Shibboleth, LDAP, Grouper, MySQL etc..) and INAF derived or bespoke software (RAP and connector). This activity will be applied also in the SKA scope to validate requirements and provide an effective test bed.
9 - Autori:Zorba, S., Bignamini, A., Cepparo, F., Knapic, C., Molinaro, M., and Smareglia, R., Titolo: “APOGEO: an Automatic Management System for Astronomical Portals”, Proceedings: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVI</i>, 2019, vol. 521, p. 719. Abstract: Since several years IA2 (Italian Center for Astronomical Archive) develops and hosts web portals for accessing various astronomical archives. The experience gained over the years (Knapic et al. 2012) allowed to recognize recurrent architectural patterns and common requirements of all these interfaces, leading to develop APOGEO (Automatic POrtal GEneratOr). APOGEO consists in a set of Java EE tools that allow to generate portals in a standardized way, after a portal administrator has performed an aided configuration process. A portal allows users to query the archive and download its files, guaranteeing proper data access policies. APOGEO architecture is VO-compliant.
10 - Autori: Knapic, C., De Marco, M., Smareglia, R., and Molinaro, M., Titolo: “NADIR: A Flexible Archiving System Current Development”, Editore: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII</i>, 2014, vol. 485, p. 131

Informazioni Pubbliche

Astronomy databases Astronomy data modeling Astronomy data analysis Astronomy web services Observatories Astronomical methods

In INAF il ruolo di IA2 è di primo piano in quanto infrastruttura di supporto alla scienza per quanto riguarda l'archiviazione dati. Supporta tutti i servizi offerti da INAF USC VIII settore Servizi e copre talvolta anche necessità specifiche di sviluppo per la DS o le sue diramazioni. E' il centro dati delle maggiori facilities nazionali osservative da terra (LBT, TNG, Asiago, Solar Catania, Radio etc.) e fornisce il meccanismo di data distribution anche ad alcuni componenti internazionali della partnership LBT (LBTO, MPIA, OSURC, AZ). Assieme al team di INAF-IRA ha sviluppato sistemi avanzati di autenticazione e autorizzazione e gestione di gruppi di condivisione di dati. Grazie alle attività svolte per SKA TM, INAF è diventato membro della TANGO collaboration. IA2 ha un MoU con Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste per supportare questo genere di sviluppo. Il centro dati garantisce la preservazione su Tape library. IA2 supporta e sviluppa tools per lo SKA Data Challenge e si propone il linking tra dati e papers.


15. Team members, Informazioni generali

15. Personale INAF coinvolto

# Nome E-mail Struttura TI Qualifica Ruolo nel Progetto FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) Extra
1 cristina.knapic O.A. TRIESTE Y TECNOLOGO Responsabile IA2 X X X X X X X OK
2 riccardo.smareglia O.A. TRIESTE Y PRIMO TECNOLOGO Responsabile sistemi di preservazione dati X X X X X X X OK
3 andrea.bignamini O.A. TRIESTE Y TECNOLOGO data manager ; pipelines and workflow manager X X X X X X X OK
4 nicola.calabria O.A. TRIESTE N ASSEGNISTA web services and VO X X X X X X X OK
5 martina.vicinanza O.A. ROMA N RICERCATORE Scientific data steward (optical) X X X X X X X OK
6 vincenzo.galluzzi IRA BOLOGNA N RICERCATORE Scientific data steward (radio) X X X X X X X OK
7 massimo.sponza O.A. TRIESTE Y C.T.E.R. System manager X X X X X X X OK
8 cristiano.urban O.A. TRIESTE N C.T.E.R. system manager - ICT X X X X X X X OK
9 roberto.morbidelli O.A. TORINO Y C.T.E.R. Esperto di basi dati (Oracle) X X X X X X X OK
10 alessandra.zanichelli IRA BOLOGNA Y RICERCATORE Responsabile Archivio Radio X X X X X X X OK
11 marco.molinaro O.A. TRIESTE Y TECNOLOGO Collaboratore per coordinare attività di stampo Virtual Observatory X X X X X X X OK
12 matteo.stagni IRA BOLOGNA Y C.T.E.R. Collaboratore per attività di ricerca e sviluppo nuove tecnologie di trasporto e distribuzione dati X X X X X X X OK
13 francesco.bedosti IRA BOLOGNA Y C.T.E.R. Collaboratore per attività sistemistica di data management e di supporto alla dockerizzazione X X X X X X X
14 francesca.martines O.A. PALERMO Y C.T.E.R. Collaboratrice per definizione del modello dati bibliografici e aggancio dei dataset X X X X X X X OK
15 antonietta.fara O.A. CAGLIARI Y C.T.E.R. Collaboratrice di riferimento per storage e supporto hw e sw presso SRT per archivio radio X X X X X X X OK
16 roberto.speziali O.A. ROMA Y RICERCATORE ASTRONOMO Referente scientifico per dati LBT X X X X X X X OK
17 adriana.gargiulo IASF MILANO Y RICERCATORE Referente scientifico per dati LBT X X X X X X X OK
18 vincenzo.testa O.A. ROMA Y PRIMO RICERCATORE Referente scientifico per dati LBT X X X X X X X OK
19 lina.tomasella O.A. PADOVA Y RICERCATORE Referente scientifico per dati Asiago X X X X X X X OK
20 aldo.frigo O.A. PADOVA Y C.T.E.R. Referente informatico per Asiago X X X X X X X OK
21 danilo.selvestrel O.A. PADOVA Y C.T.E.R. referente informatico e sistemistico per Asiago X X X X X X X OK
22 robert.butora O.A. TRIESTE N TECNOLOGO Collaboratore per sviluppo servizi per progetti NEANIAS, ECO-GAL e VLKB mantenuti presso IA2 X X X X X X X OK
23 sara.bertocco O.A. TRIESTE Y RICERCATORE VOSpace and file systems expert X X X X X X X OK
24 marta.burgay O.A. CAGLIARI Y RICERCATORE Referente scientifico per dati Pulsar X X X X X X X OK

16. Personale Associato INAF coinvolto

# Nome E-mail Struttura TI Qualifica Ruolo nel Progetto FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) Extra
1 mauro.nanni INAF - IRA N Dirigente Tecnologo Coordinatore di attività relative reti, centri calcolo e storage, in collaborazione con IA2 [0, 0, 0] [0.0, 0.0, None] 0.0
2 marcello.lodi TNG Y Ricercatore Referente scientifico TNG [0, 0, 0] [0.0, 0.0, None] 0.0
3 franco.tinarelli IRA Bologna N Associato quiescente Sviluppo Science Gateways e sistemi di autenticazione / autorizzazione [0, 0, 0] [0.1, 0.1, None] 0.0
4 antonio.magazzu TNG N Primo Ricercatore in quiescenza Responsabile TNG [0, 0, 0] [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] 0.0

21. Fondi a Sostegno Iniziativa

Il centro dati IA2 nasce nel 2004 e da tale data al 03/2018 è stato gestito dal Dott. Riccardo Smareglia, ora responsabile di INAF ICT. Dal 04/2018 la resposabilità del centro dati è passata alla Dott. Cristina Knapic. Il budget riportato si riferisce quindi a 17 anni di funzionamento comprendendo sia la componente di risorse umane (contratti, formazione, trasferte) che di hardware e software più la previsione di funzionamento fino al 2030, anche se l'evoluzione di ICT potrebbe cambiare pesantemente questo valore.

Tabella fondi:

# Provenienza Certi 2023 (k€) Certi 2024 (k€) Certi 2025 (k€) Presun. 2023 (k€) Presun. 2024 (k€) Presun. 2025 (k€) Totale Certi (k€) Totale Presunti (k€)
1 INAF 0354 0 0 450 500 0 354 950

Tabella fondi Astrofisica Fondamentale e PNRR:
# Provenienza Fondi 2023 (€) Fondi 2024 (€) Fondi 2025 (€)