Europlanet INAF
Infrastruttura Internazionale
Terza missione
Terza Missione
Attività: Nuova; Data inizio: 2020; Data fine: 2024
Europlanet Society, organizzazione che promuove lo sviluppo delle scienze planetarie in Europa, ha lanciato un progetto da 10 milioni di euro, l’Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (Ri), per garantire l’accesso alla più grande collezione al mondo di strutture per simulazioni e analisi planetarie, nonché una rete globale di piccoli telescopi, servizi dati e supporto alla comunità scientifica impegnata in questi ambiti. Europlanet 2024 RI mira ad ampliare la partecipazione alle scienze planetarie e fornisce l’infrastruttura per le principali sfide scientifiche e tecnologiche che la comunità di ricerca planetaria deve affrontare. Il progetto è finanziato attraverso il programma Horizon 2020 della Commissione europea (G.A. No 871149) e durerà quattro anni: da 02/2020 fino a 01/2024.
The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (EPN-2024-RI) will provide the pan-EU infrastructure to address key scientific and technological challenges facing modern planetary science. Europe’s planetary exploration programme has grown in international prominence in recent years, driven by ambitious European Space Agency (ESA) missions to explore our own Solar System and those around other stars. EPN-2024-RI builds on the foundations of highly successful FP6, FP7 and H2020 projects. The distributed research infrastructure that Europlanet has created is unique: it is the largest, most diverse collection of field sites and facilities to simulate and analyse planetary environments, and the only coordinated infrastructure of its kind in the world today.
Sole, mezzo interplanetario, magnetosfere planetarie
Tecnologie per la Planetologia
Tecnologie Informatiche e software
Tecnologie per osservazioni da spazio
Infrastrutture dallo spazio per esplorazione sistema solare (utilizzo)
Comunicazione, Didattica, Divulgazione
Struttura | Nfte | N0 | TI 2023 | TI 2024 | TI 2025 | TD 2023 | TD 2024 | TD 2025 | Nex | Extra |
O.A. TRIESTE | 5 | 0 | 0.70 | 0.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 |
IAPS ROMA | 10 | 0 | 1.10 | 0.20 | 0.00 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.00 | 2 | 0.40 |
O.A. PADOVA | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 |
Totali | 15 | 0 | 1.80 | 0.30 | 0.00 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.00 | 2 | 0.40 |
Certi 2023 | Certi 2024 | Certi 2025 | Presunti 2023 | Presunti 2024 | Presunti 2025 |
54.0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0 |
planetary geology; data mining; space exploration Terza Missione: Didattica innovativa; Gamification;
WP5/Task 5.2. Implementation of new space weather services (Lead: CNRS, Deputy: INAF, Participants: IRF, ONERA, UCL); WP6/Task 5 – Consolidation (Lead: INAF/OATS; deputy: Heidelberg Uni.; other participant: ObsParis) – VESPA data service hubs; WP8/GMAP VA3 Task 2: Science Community mapping projects (M1-M48). Lead: WWU, Deputy: CBK PAN; INAF; UNIPD, JacobsUni, UDA/ISPRA; WP8/GMAP VA3 Task 4: Geologic mapping integration (M6-M48). Lead: JacobsUni, Deputy: INAF, DLR, UNIPD, UDA/ISPRA, CBK PAN, WWU; WP9/GMAP JRA3 Task 3: Basemap and pipelines geological mapping service. Lead: JacobsUni, Deputy: INAF, CUGB), DLR, UNIPD, WWU, CBK PAN; WP11 Task 7: Europlanet Media Centre – (DFET, INAF); WP11 Task 8: Policy Engagement – (EILST, INAF); WP11 Task 9: Outreach and Inspiration – Lead: LTU, VU, DFET, INAF; All EPN-2020-RI WPs are closely interlinked (Fig. attached) to provide an efficient, coherent set of activities that deliver maximum impact.
# | Nome | Struttura | TI | Qualifica | Ruolo nel Progetto | FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) | FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) | Extra | ||
1 | stavro.ivanovski | | O.A. TRIESTE | Y | RICERCATORE | Europlanet INAF Deputy Coordinator, WP6 INAF Responsible, WP10 INAF Deputy | X X X | X X X | X | |
2 | livia.giacomini | | IAPS ROMA | Y | TECNOLOGO | Outreach Officer (Italian Regional Hub) | X X X | X X X | X | |
3 | maria.desanctis | | IAPS ROMA | Y | DIRIGENTE DI RICERCA | Europlanet INAF Coordinator | X X X | X X X | X | |
4 | alessandro.mura | | IAPS ROMA | Y | RICERCATORE | WP5 INAF SPIDER Responsible | X X X | X X X | X | |
5 | anna.milillo | | IAPS ROMA | Y | PRIMO RICERCATORE | WP5 INAF EGEON Service Responsible | X X X | X X X | X | |
6 | francesca.altieri | | IAPS ROMA | Y | RICERCATORE | WP8/WP INAF Responsible | X X X | X X X | X | |
7 | cristian.carli | | IAPS ROMA | Y | RICERCATORE | WP8/WP9/WP10 INAF Responsible | X X X | X X X | X | |
8 | sergio.fonte | | IAPS ROMA | Y | TECNOLOGO | WP10 Coordinator INAF | X X X | X X X | X | |
9 | romolo.politi | | IAPS ROMA | Y | TECNOLOGO | WP10 INAF Participant | X X X | X X X | X | |
10 | marco.molinaro | | O.A. TRIESTE | Y | TECNOLOGO | WP6 INAF VESPA hubs coordinator | X X X | X X X | X | |
11 | giuseppe.murante | | O.A. TRIESTE | Y | RICERCATORE | WP6 INAF Participant | X X X | X X X | X | |
12 | cristina.knapic | | O.A. TRIESTE | Y | TECNOLOGO | WP6 INAF Participant - IA2 responsible | X X X | X X X | X | |
13 | monia.rossi | | IAPS ROMA | Y | TECNOLOGO | INAF Europlanet Project management officer | X X X | X X X | X | |
14 | alice.lucchetti | | O.A. PADOVA | Y | RICERCATORE | Italian Regional Hub vice-chair | X X X | X X X | X | |
15 | valentina.galluzzi | | IAPS ROMA | Y | RICERCATORE | GMap WP8/WP9 Collaborator | X X X | X X X | X | |
16 | federica.duras | | IAPS ROMA | N | ASSEGNISTA | Italian Regional Hub Outreach Officer | X X X | X X X | X | |
17 | simonetta.fabrizio | | O.A. TRIESTE | Y | FUNZIONARIO AMM.VO | INAF OATs Europlanet amministrativo | X X X | X X X | X | |
18 | lorenza.giacomini | | IAPS ROMA | Y | RICERCATORE | WP8/WP9/WP10 INAF Participant | X X X | X X X | X | |
19 | alessandro.frigeri | | IAPS ROMA | Y | RICERCATORE | WP8/WP9/WP10 INAF Participant | X X X | X X X | X | |
20 | andrea.longobardo | | IAPS ROMA | Y | RICERCATORE | Database manager | X X X | X X X | X | |
21 | roberto.sordini | | IAPS ROMA | Y | TECNOLOGO | WP5 INAF Participant | X X X | X X X | X | |
22 | giovanni.vladilo | | O.A. TRIESTE | N | ASSOCIATO QUIESCENTE | WP6 INAF Participant | X X X | X X X | X | |
23 | giovanni.munaretto | | O.A. PADOVA | N | ASSEGNISTA | Italian Regional Hub EPEC Officer | X X X | X X X | X | |
24 | laura.silva | | O.A. TRIESTE | Y | RICERCATORE | Collaboratore ML | X X X | X X X | X | |
25 | michele.maris | | O.A. TRIESTE | Y | RICERCATORE | Collaboratore ML | X X X | X X X | X |
# | Nome | Struttura | TI | Qualifica | Ruolo nel Progetto | FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) | FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) | Extra |
Investing in space infrastructures such as in the Copernicus and Galileo programmes, Europe has historically been at the forefront of space exploration. The Commission has made ambitious proposals for the period 2021–2027. These include a dedicated Space programme for a total of EUR 16 billion. It is within this context the EU-funded EPN-2024-RI will provide infrastructure necessary to address the major scientific and technological challenges facing modern planetary science. Its aim is to ensure Europe’s position is at the forefront of space exploration. To do this, the project will provide Transnational Access (TA) to an enhanced set of world-leading field and laboratory facilities, Virtual Access (VA) to state-of-the-art data services and tools linked to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and Networking Activities (NA) to widen the user base and draw in new partners from around the world.
# | Provenienza | Certi 2023 (k€) | Certi 2024 (k€) | Certi 2025 (k€) | Presun. 2023 (k€) | Presun. 2024 (k€) | Presun. 2025 (k€) | Totale Certi (k€) | Totale Presunti (k€) |
1 | EU | 54 | None | None | 0 | None | None | 54 | 0 |
# | Provenienza | Fondi 2023 (€) | Fondi 2024 (€) | Fondi 2025 (€) |