Informazioni generali

Using pulsars to detect Gravitational Waves and test Relativistic Gravity





Attività: In Itinere; Data inizio: 2000; Data fine: 2030


Le pulsar sono delle stelle di neutroni magnetizzate che appaiono come impulsi radio periodici e molto stabili. Il monitoraggio delle pulsar con un Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) può rivelare il passaggio di un'onda gravitazionale a bassa frequenza emessa da sorgenti distanti come i buchi neri binari supermassici. INAF è membro della collaborazione European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) che include cinque radiotelescopi europei, nonchè del progetto Large European Array for Pulsars (LEAP) che usa i dati simultanei dei telescopi EPTA per ottenere la sensibilità di un telescopio largo 200 metri. Inoltre il monitoraggio delle pulsar binare, ad esempio la doppia pulsar, fornisce i test più stringenti della relatività generale e delle teorie alternative delle gravità in regime di campo forte.

Pulsars are magnetized neutron stars whose periodic radio pulses can be monitored with very accurate precision. The monitoring of pulsars with a Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) can be used to detect the passage of low-frequency gravitational waves from distant sources such as supermassive black hole binaries. INAF is a member of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) collaboration involving five large European radio telescopes, as well as the Large European Array for Pulsars (LEAP) project, which uses simultaneous observations at the EPTA telescopes to obtain the sensitivity of a 200-meter telescope. In addition, the monitoring of binary pulsars, such as the double pulsar, provides the most stringent tests of general relativity and of alternative theories of gravity in the strong-field regime.

Struttura ed evoluzione stellare, incluse le fasi finali

Fisica degli oggetti compatti galattici ed extragalattici

Radiazione gravitazionale e test di gravitazione

Infrastrutture da Terra (utilizzo)

Team Summary

15. Personale INAF coinvolto
Numero di partecipanti INAF al progetto: 12
Struttura Nfte N0 TI 2023 TI 2024 TI 2025 TD 2023 TD 2024 TD 2025 Nex Extra
O.A. CAGLIARI 4 0 1.70 1.70 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
O.A. TORINO 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
O.A. ROMA 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00
Totali 4 0 1.70 1.70 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
16. Personale Associato INAF coinvolto
Numero di partecipanti Associati INAF: 3
# Struttura TI 2023 TI 2024 TI 2025 TD 2023 TD 2024 TD 2025 Extra
1 Università dell'Insubria 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
2 Università di Milano Bicocca 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Totali 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Fondi a sostegno

21. Totale fondi a disposizione (dato aggregato, k€)
Certi 2023 Certi 2024 Certi 2025 Presunti 2023 Presunti 2024 Presunti 2025
0 0 0 0 0 0

Produzione scientifica e tecnologica

22. Produzione scientifica e tecnologica - Highlights
# DOI Descrizione Azione
1 10.1007/978-3-319-97616-7_3 Titolo: Radio Pulsars: Testing Gravity and Detecting Gravitational Waves Autori:Delphine Perrodin and Alberto Sesana Publisher:Springer International Publishing Anno pubblicazione:2018
2 10.1093/mnras/stv2755 Titolo: LEAP: the Large European Array for Pulsars Autori:C. G. Bassa and G. H. Janssen and R. Karuppusamy and M. Kramer and K. J. Lee and K. Liu and J. McKe .... Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Anno pubblicazione:2015
3 10.1093/mnras/stv1538 Titolo: European Pulsar Timing Array limits on an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background Autori:L. Lentati and S. R. Taylor and C. M. F. Mingarelli and A. Sesana and S. A. Sanidas and A. Vecchio .... Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Anno pubblicazione:2015
4 10.1093/mnras/stw483 Titolo: High-precision timing of 42 millisecond pulsars with the European Pulsar Timing Array Autori:G. Desvignes and R. N. Caballero and L. Lentati and J. P. W. Verbiest and D. J. Champion and B. W. .... Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Anno pubblicazione:2016
5 10.1093/mnras/stab375 Titolo: The Relativistic Binary Programme on MeerKAT: Science objectives and first results Autori:M Kramer and I H Stairs and V Venkatraman Krishnan and P C C Freire and F Abbate and M Bailes and M .... Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Anno pubblicazione:2021
6 10.1093/mnrasl/sly003 Titolo: The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar Survey \textendash XIII. PSR J1757-1854, the most accelerated binary pulsar Autori:A D Cameron and D J Champion and M Kramer and M Bailes and E D Barr and C G Bassa and S Bhandari an .... Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters Anno pubblicazione:2018
7 10.1093/mnras/stab2833 Titolo: Common-red-signal analysis with 24-yr high-precision timing of the European Pulsar Timing Array: inferences in the stochastic gravitational-wave background search Autori:S Chen and R N Caballero and Y J Guo and A Chalumeau and K Liu and G Shaifullah and K J Lee and S B .... Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Anno pubblicazione:2021
8 10.1093/mnras/stab3418 Titolo: The International Pulsar Timing Array second data release: Search for an isotropic gravitational wave background Autori:J Antoniadis and Z Arzoumanian and S Babak and M Bailes and A-S Bak~Nielsen and P T Baker and C G B .... Publisher:Oxford University Press (OUP) Rivista: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Anno pubblicazione:2022
9 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.041050 Strong-field Gravity Tests with the Double Pulsar, Authors: M. Kramer, I. H. Stairs, R. N. Manchester, N. Wex, A. T. Deller, W. A. Coles, M. Ali, M. Burgay, F. Camilo, I. Cognard, T. Damour, G. Desvignes, R. D. Ferdman, P. C. C. Freire, S. Grondin, L. Guillemot, G. B. Hobbs, G. Janssen, R. Karuppusamy, D. R. Lorimer, A. G. Lyne, J. W. McKee, M. McLaughlin, L. E. Muench, B. B. P. Perera , et al., Abstract: Continued observations of the Double Pulsar, PSR J0737-3039A/B, consisting of two radio pulsars (A and B) that orbit each other with a period of 2.45hr in a mildly eccentric (e=0.088) binary system, have led to large improvements in the measurement of relativistic effects in this system. With a 16-yr data span, the results enable precision tests of theories of gravity for strongly self-gravitating bodies and also reveal new relativistic effects that have been expected but are now observed for the first time. These include effects of light propagation in strong gravitational fields which are currently not testable by any other method. We observe retardation and aberrational light-bending that allow determination of the pulsar's spin direction. In total, we have detected seven post-Keplerian (PK) parameters, more than for any other binary pulsar. For some of these effects, the measurement precision is so high that for the first time we have to take higher-order contributions into account. These include contributions of A's effective mass loss (due to spin-down) to the observed orbital period decay, a relativistic deformation of the orbit, and effects of the equation of state of super-dense matter on the observed PK parameters via relativistic spin-orbit coupling. We discuss the implications of our findings, including those for the moment of inertia of neutron stars. We present the currently most precise test of general relativity's (GR's) quadrupolar description of gravitational waves, validating GR's prediction at a level of 1.3×10−4 (95% conf.). We demonstrate the utility of the Double Pulsar for tests of alternative theories by focusing on two specific examples and discuss some implications for studies of the interstellar medium and models for the formation of the Double Pulsar. Finally, we provide context to other types of related experiments and prospects for the future.
10 10.3847/1538-4357/835/2/293 Titolo: The Statistics of Radio Astronomical Polarimetry: Disjoint, Superposed, and Composite Samples Autori:W. van Straten and C. Tiburzi Publisher:American Astronomical Society Rivista: The Astrophysical Journal Anno pubblicazione:2017

Informazioni Pubbliche

Relativistic stars; neutron stars; pulsars; black holes; gravitational waves; general relativity; non-standard theories of gravity; fundamental physics. SCHEDE ASSOCIATE: GRAVITAZIONE E FISICA FONDAMENTALE (GravFis); GRAVITATIONAL METROLOGY & ASTRONOMY (GraviMetrA); SKA_SCIENCE

INAF is a member of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) collaboration involving five large radio telescopes (in the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands, France and Italy). INAF also takes part in the Large European Array for Pulsars (LEAP) project where simultaneous data from the EPTA telescopes are combined in a "pulsar VLBI" manner. The PI (D.P.) is the Italian coordinator for the LEAP project and co-manager of the LEAP project on a European level. INAF provides the 64-meter Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) and the scientific expertise of its staff. SRT is a large, state-of-the-art facility for INAF and is equipped with a unique dual-band L/P receiver. It is therefore ideally suited for simultaneous observations at both bands and for the determination and correction of interstellar medium dispersion. INAF also has a fundamental role in the study of relativistic gravity and fundamental physics. Three INAF staff members are participating in the most important worldwide experiment for this purpose (MeerTime at MeerKAT), and key members are participating in the monitoring of the Double Pulsar.

SRT; Effelsberg; WSRT; Nançay; Lovell (JBO); Parkes; GBT; MeerKAT; MeerKAT+; SKA

15. Team members, Informazioni generali

15. Personale INAF coinvolto

# Nome E-mail Struttura TI Qualifica Ruolo nel Progetto FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) Extra
1 delphine.perrodin O.A. CAGLIARI Y RICERCATORE Coordinatrice EPTA/LEAP a SRT; analisi dati EPTA/LEAP; studi teorici X X X X X X X OK
2 marta.burgay O.A. CAGLIARI Y RICERCATORE Osservazioni, analisi e interpretazione dati X X X X X X X OK
3 andrea.possenti O.A. CAGLIARI Y PRIMO RICERCATORE Osservazioni, analisi e interpretazione dati. Membro del EPTA-SC. X X X X X X X OK
4 alessandro.corongiu O.A. CAGLIARI Y RICERCATORE Osservazioni LEAP/EPTA a SRT X X X X X X X OK
5 alessandro.ridolfi O.A. CAGLIARI N RICERCATORE analisi dati binarie/double pulsar Meerkat/Parkes/GBT e osservazioni LEAP/EPTA a SRT X X X X X X X OK
6 maura.pilia O.A. CAGLIARI Y RICERCATORE Osservazioni LEAP/EPTA a SRT X X X X X X X OK
7 andrea.melis O.A. CAGLIARI Y TECNOLOGO Osservazioni LEAP a SRT X X X X X X X OK
8 mariateresa.crosta O.A. TORINO Y RICERCATORE Osservazioni astrometriche e analisi dati Gaia per sinergie con PTA X X X X X X X OK
9 deborah.busonero O.A. TORINO Y RICERCATORE Preparazione e analisi dati Gaia per sinergie con PTA X X X X X X X OK
10 ummi.abbas O.A. TORINO Y TECNOLOGO Preparazione e analisi dati Gaia per sinergie con PTA X X X X X X X OK
11 luigi.stella O.A. ROMA Y DIRIGENTE DI RICERCA teoria e interpretazione X X X X X X X OK
12 caterina.tiburzi O.A. CAGLIARI Y RICERCATORE analisi dati X X X X X X X OK

16. Personale Associato INAF coinvolto

# Nome E-mail Struttura TI Qualifica Ruolo nel Progetto FTE Impegnate (2023/2024/2025) FTE Presunte (2023/2024/2025) Extra
1 francesco.haardt Università dell'Insubria Y Professore ordinario teoria e interpretazione [0, 0, 0] [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] -1.0
2 massimo.dotti Università di Milano Bicocca Y Professore Associato teoria e interpretazione [0, 0, 0] [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] -1.0
3 alberto.sesana Università di Milano Bicocca Y Professore ordinario teoria e interpretazione [0, 0, 0] [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] -1.0

21. Fondi a Sostegno Iniziativa

The main funds for this project have been: 130 keuro from PRIN MIUR (PI: N. D'Amico, 2003); 12 keuro from PRIN INAF (PI: Bandiera, 2005); 30 keuro from Descartes prize (2005); ~250 keuro from the ERC Advanced Grant "LEAP", Grant Agreement number 227947 (PI: M. Kramer, 2009-2014); 75 keuro from the Regione Sardegna Grant TRG ("Test della Relatività Generale") (PI: M. Burgay); and 20 keuro from PRIN INAF ("Opening a new era in pulsars and compact objects science with MeerKat, PI: Possenti, 2016). In order to complete this project, it will be necessary to obtain another 45 keuro/year (35 keuro/year for staff and 10 keuro/year for travel) until 2030.

Tabella fondi:

# Provenienza Certi 2023 (k€) Certi 2024 (k€) Certi 2025 (k€) Presun. 2023 (k€) Presun. 2024 (k€) Presun. 2025 (k€) Totale Certi (k€) Totale Presunti (k€)

Tabella fondi Astrofisica Fondamentale e PNRR:
# Provenienza Fondi 2023 (€) Fondi 2024 (€) Fondi 2025 (€)